Hey Fam!! Who else is excited about April? I hope I’m not the only one,  already there’s too many celebrations rolling first I get take 1 month leave from work next my day one nigga got hitched on her birthday 😍  congrats baby girl!!! 

Wishing you all the coolest of Sundays. Mine is pretttttty freaking chill. Well, aside from getting up mad late and unable to make it to church, slept quite late after being on the longest flight ever to arrive my destination at almost 12am,I hoped to make it to church anyway but 

Now I’m chilling in a bubu both feet up on the couch  watching movies with my main and catching up on old gists…  
It’s been a good day so far.
Maybe I’ll put away some laundry later. Maybe I won’t. I hope your day is relaxed to the max! can  April get any better please?  ok let’s talk about  us,what’s your Sunday vibe saying ?? 

Maam D 
